For our media practical production we are going to choose the option of creating a film trailer. We decided to choose this because we felt that it was the best option for our group. Our group consists of 3 people that all have good ideas, which we can culminate to make a quality production. We have decided to call our company “
For our film trailer we are developing a storyline based upon rejected members of society who have joined a circus freak show and want to punish people who don’t appreciate life. The genre of our film is horror/thriller and it aims to be a certificate 18. We have chosen this genre as is it most popular within our target audience age range and as we are around the same age this not only interests us but we also know what our target audience would want.
Our film is influenced by the film Saw as it loosely relates to the story line, it relates to the story line as the ‘jigsaw’ man in Saw wants to teach people the meaning of life, and so from that we have developed our own storyline which gives the same moral as Saw.
We want to achieve a trailer that will hook and excite our target audience; we will do this by letting on part of the storyline but then also hold the audience in anticipation. This is a key feature of what film trailers do and so by doing research we will cleverly craft a trailer featuring a memorable cliffhanger.
We are all very excited about creating this production because not only will it be fun to make we think that it is a good idea and would appeal to our target audience as an accredited film.
There are quite a few locations to our trailer as it is little snippets from the film, and in most films including ours they do change location. The first location will be a park or a communal area where our protagonist in the film and her friends are hanging out. Then we will se her walking also a main street where she refuses the flyer given by a circus clown. The next sequence will be shot in the woods as the girl is walking home. The final location will be in a dark room or an abandoned place where only the clowns face is shown saying “welcome to the circus!”
Throughout our film trailer the girl will remain in the same outfit, as it will all happen in one day, just normal casual dress. Her friends will also be dressed with the same sort of casual look, like many girls would dress on a weekend. The clown to start with will be in a stereotypical clown outfit whilst advertising the circus, which is coming to town. However as the trailer progresses and the sinister outlook comes across over the clown, his face paint will change to a more horrific clown style, and his clothes will become ripped and tattered as if reflecting his psychological state.
In our trailer we will need to have props such as flyers which are handed to the girl in the street and possibly a weapon of some form, such as a knife/axe. We are sure when it comes to filming this, that more props will need to be used, such as face paint, but we will establish this when we storyboard our trailer.
By Beth, Chloe and Brad